Saturday, March 14, 2009

Arua base hosts the National Leadership Team

The YWAM Uganda National Leadership Team was with us here in Arua this week. Without giving them much time to settle in, we whisked them off to Prayer Mountain in Goli (Nebbi District...2 hours away) for a day of creative prayer, ministry and intercession. This involved climbing around the beautiful, mountainous Biku Retreat Center.

Aaron and Harriet, YWAM Arua staff, led us in a time of worship among the rock outcroppings to kickstart the day.

John, YWAM Arua base leader, felt like worshipping from his perch in a of his favorite places to be.

Maybe that's why he needed a little cat nap later...

Following a Word from the Lord to our President, John Dawson, we examined our relationships and committed to righting any relationships that had drifted or were in conflict. We determined to be people who intentionally seek true, loving relationships in our teams, rather than just exist in polite cooperation with each other.

We also committed to take our positions as YWAM elders... to be like Moses and Aaron and Hur (Exodus 17) who stood on a mountaintop and engaged in the battle of the Israelites below by holding up the staff of the Lord.

The setting of Prayer Mountain, with lovely stone prayer structures scattered among the mountain, and a tall cross at the top, was perfect for the re-enactment of Moses and Company's climb to the top of the hill and raising up of the staff.

Climbing the mountain...

The stone prayer structures...

Sam Kisolo, YWAM Uganda National Director and our 'Moses', climbs the mountain to the cross with his staff...

Members of the NLT and other base leaders commit to 'holding up the staff'... or staying engaged in the activities of the younger generation of YWAMers.

It was a great day out with lots of laughter and bonding, and a sense of God's unity among us.

John demonstrates his Samson-like strength in holding up a very heavy rock...

Sam Kisolo and Robert, staff of National Office, take over when John gets tired...

The rest of the week was filled with intercession for the various YWAM bases in Uganda and southern Sudan, and times of prayerful decision-making concerning issues affecting the Mission. Those of us who are not members of the NLT, but had been invited to sit in on the meetings, felt a real sense of love and caring among the NLT, and were thankful for the commitment they have to all of us in YWAM. We are thankful for their leadership, and pray for more of God's wisdom and guidance in their lives.

1 comment:

Nicole MacIver Okiring said...

Just want to say what a great blog this has turned out to be and well done!! Miss everyone in Arua, my love to all!